We the department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry from Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental
college, Ariyur, Puducherry are privileged to participate in the ISPPD “Children’s day (week) celebration contest”
Celebrated the children’s day(week) & Pedodontist day from 14th Nov 2022 to 14th December under the guidance of Dr. G. Shanmugavadivel, Professor and Head. Various events/activities were organized for awareness of oral health of children.
On 14.11.2022 the faculties and CRRIs from the department of pediatric and Preventive Dentistry hosted the children day and Pedodontist day celebration.
On behalf of the department Dr. Abinaya, Senior Lecturer (Dept of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry) welcomed the gathering
Occassion were graced by the Principal Dr.
Senthilnathan, Chief Operating Officer Dr. Vidhya and the Vice Principals. Dr. Senthilnathan addressed the gathering and briefed the importance of child oral health. Dr. Vidhya addressed the gathering and added a note on the role of Pedodontist in the child oral health. Total of 150 students and faculties attended the program.
On the children’s day various competition were organized for students including Quiz Competition, Connection game and the Dumb charades based on the Pediatric dentistry.
QUIZ Competition: Quiz was conducted for CRRIs students by Dr. Abinaya. R, Senior Lecturer, on 14th November 2022. Five teams having three students each participated for the quiz. There were three rounds in the quiz based on the questions emphasizing the importance of pediatric and Preventive Dentistry. Prizes were given to the winning team.
Connection Game: Connection game was conducted for CRRIs students by Dr. John Shibin. J, Senior Lecturer, on 14th November 2022. Five teams having three students each participated for the quiz. There were three rounds based on the questions emphasizing the importance of pediatric and Preventive Dentistry. Prizes were given to the winning team.
Dumb Charades: Dumb charades was conducted for CRRIs students by Dr. Megalaa N, Reader, on 14th November 2022. Five teams having three students each participated. Three rounds of Dumb charades were conducted based on the questions emphasizing the importance of pediatric and Preventive Dentistry. Prizes were given to the winning team.
School based Awareness program:
As the part of Children’s Day (Week) celebration we conducted several activities to uplift the Knowledge on oral health of the children at VALLALAR HR. SEC SCHOOL, Kandamangalam, Villupuram. School children actively participated in the Drawing and essay writing competition on the topic “Friend and Enemy of the teeth”
Winners of Drawing and the Essay writing competition were awarded prize by the Dr. Shanmugavadivel and the school Headmaster
Awareness Talk
An interactive session on oral health maintenance for school children was done by Dr. J. John Shibin, Senior Lecturer (Dept of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry). Topics covered were importance of primary teeth, awareness about the pediatric specialty, Oral hygiene maintenance and Prevention of caries and malocclusion for about 20 minutes. Followed by Q & A session and cleared the doubts of the children.
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