COVID-19 Mass vaccination drive report - Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Ariyur, Puducherry
The Govt. of Puducherry, requested Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, to conduct a mass vaccination camp. The Chariman, Shri. B. Ramchandran has kindly consented for the same and in this regard, a meeting was conducted with the administrative and Institute heads of SVGI by the Dean Dr. Ratnaswamy of SVMCH&RC on 01.04.2021 at 2.30 pm. All queries were discussed and suggestions were obtained from all of them for the vaccination drive.
The Govt. of Puducherry, requested Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, to conduct a mass vaccination camp. The Chariman, Shri. B. Ramchandran has kindly consented for the same and in this regard, a meeting was conducted with the administrative and Institute heads of SVGI by the Dean Dr. Ratnaswamy of SVMCH&RC on 01.04.2021 at 2.30 pm. All queries were discussed and suggestions were obtained from all of them for the vaccination drive.
We had decided to cover the general public, aged above 45 years, with or without comorbidities and front line workers above 18 years of age for Covid 19 vaccination. Vaccines and syringes for the programme were provided by the PHC-Ariyur, and other logistics and manpower support were from SVGI. Technical support was given by SVGI IT Department and Marketing Support was given by SVGI Digital Marketing Department. The programme started at 8 am on 03.04.2021 with the general public being vaccinated and observed for 30 mins for any adverse event following immunization (AEFI).
The Chief guest for the drive was Puducherry LG, Dr. Thamizhisai Soundarajan. She was recieved by the Dean Dr.Ratnaswamy, Dean of PG and Research Dr.Mahadevan and the COO Dr.Vidhya. The Programme started with National anthem, Tamil thai vazhthu followed by Welcome address by Dr.Ratnaswamy and a short description of our LG by Dr.Muthukumaravel. All the dignitaries on the dais were welcomed by Dr.Vidhya and Dr.Ratnaswamy. The Chief guest addressed the crowd with her motivational speech and the need for vaccination. The Chief advisors to LG, Dr.Chandramouli IAS and Dr.Maheswari IPS also addressed the crowd regarding the importance of vaccination and other precautions to be taken after vaccination. This was followed by the Vote of Thanks by Dr. Mahadevan, Dean PG research . The programme ended with National Anthem .
The mass vaccination drive got completed at 8 pm in the evening. Total number vaccinated and benefitted from the drive were 2765.
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