A tale of compassion and care - Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Ariyur, Puducherry
A tale of compassion and care- We are humbled and proud to share this heartwarming story of a 19-year-old first-time mother, who was brought to us by a 108 ambulance after being found on the road in labor at just 28 weeks of gestation, carrying twins. Weighing a mere 1000gms each, both babies were delivered in our casualty and received dedicated care in our NICU for 35 days. Today, we celebrate their healthy discharge! Our gratitude knows no bounds as the Management of Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre exhibited exceptional kindness by waiving off the total bill, leaving this young single mother, who works tirelessly in a brick kiln, with no financial burden. #CompassionateCare #NICUMiracles #ActsOfKindness #SVMCHRCares #HealthyDischarge #MiracleBabies"
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