The Fresher’s day was held on Wednesday- March 10, 2021 at college of physiotherapy (SVCOPT) to break the ice between the juniors and seniors.A day that was made with the efforts of second year, the guidance of our staffs and our beloved Principal and at last the encouragement of our super seniors and seniors.
The Fresher’s day was held on Wednesday- March 10, 2021 at College of Physiotherapy (SVCOPT) to break the ice between the juniors and seniors.A day that was made with the efforts of second year, the guidance of our staffs and our beloved Principal and at last the encouragement of our super seniors and seniors.
The event was held with the blessings from our Chairman, Honorable Sri.B.Ramachandran, in the presence of Dr.B.Vidya Chief Operating Officer, SVGI who has graced us with their words of wisdom. Our beloved Principal Dr. Pahinian, SVCOPT gave us the opportunity to create a beautiful day that helped us make a lot of beautiful memories. It was organized by the second year students with the help our Co-ordinator Mrs. I.Mathiyarasi, Assistant Prof who has greatly helped us and supported in our every action.
Chief Guest Dr. Malliga Kannan (Principal of College of Nursing), Dr. Duraivel (Dean of College of Pharmacy), Dr. Anand Vayaravel (Principal of College of Paramedical science) were honoured by the Principal, College of Physiotherapy and they shared their valuable time with us and showered their knowledge and encouraged us to move forward. Our College teaching and non teaching staffs helped us throughout this fresher party and guided us.
The event was filled with fun and happiness. Gifts were issued for the freshers and staffs by chief guests. A momento was presented by COO, SVGI to College on behalf of the second years as a token of gratitude. First years were interacted well with each other, lot of guidance and support were given to them. Freshers thanked their seniors for the party. The event vanished the fear of freshers. The day ended with the delicious food served to all staff and students
Our sincere thanks to Dr.Pahnian (Principal of SVCOPT) for his support and encouragement throughout the programme.
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