The Scientific Forum session was held on 4th Tuesday, March 23 rd, 2021 at College of Physiotherapy (SVCOPT) at 3.30-4.30 pm after a long break of a year due to COVID-19 pandemic. The event was held in Multipurpose Hall, SVCOPT. Our beloved Principal Dr.Pahinian, SVCOPT gave us the opportunity to create a platform for Scientific Forum session, an initiative to improve scientific knowledge and update research works to students and faculties.
The Scientific Forum session was held on 4th Tuesday, March 23 rd, 2021 at College of Physiotherapy (SVCOPT) at 3.30-4.30 pm after a long break of a year due to COVID-19 pandemic.
The event was held in Multipurpose Hall, SVCOPT. Our beloved Principal Dr.Pahinian, SVCOPT gave us the opportunity to create a platform for Scientific Forum session, an initiative to improve scientific knowledge and update research works to students and faculties. The session was organized by the representatives of each class with the help of the co-coordinator Mrs. MATHIYARASI.I, Assistant Professor, SVCOPT.
The students from 2nd year, 3rd year and final year of College of physiotherapy had participated in the session along with faculties of SVCOPT.The coordinator of this Zone -Mrs. Mathiyarasi addressed the gathering, invited faculties and students from all classes and presented a topic on ‘SHOULDER JOINT-DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS’.
At the end of the session Prof. T. Bharaneedharan, gave cerficate on behalf of SVCOPT and encouraged the students to make use of this privilege a Scientific Forum every month. This has been another stepping stone after the pandemic to initiate the Tuesday events for student’s welfare.
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