Students Teachers Interaction Zone ( SITZ ) - Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Physiotherapy, Ariyur, Puducherry.
The Students’ Teachers’ Interaction Zone (STIZ) was held on 16th of March (Tuesday) in Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Physiotherapy after a long break of a year due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. BPT Students from 2nd, 3rd and Final year were gathered and all the teaching faculties were present.
The Students’ Teachers’ Interaction Zone (STIZ) was held on 16th of March (Tuesday) in Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Physiotherapy after a long break of a year due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. BPT Students from 2nd, 3rd and Final year were gathered and all the teaching faculties were present.
STIZ has been a time for the students to share their needs and suggestions to the faculties that would advance their academic performances and help them build a rapport with the teaching faculties. The Coordinator of this zone - Mrs. Siva Shalini Asst Prof addressed the gathering and invited the students from all classes to share their needs and suggestions.
The Students were assured that the steps would be taken to resolve their issues. At this special moment - K.Beena from Final Year BPT was appreciated for her participation in the AUROFEST CREATIONS held in Auroville and has achieved 3rd place and was awarded Rs.10,000/- as cash award.
And at last the Principal - Dr. Pahinian addressed the students and encouraged them to make use of this privilege at STIZ every month. This has been another stepping stone after the pandemic to initiate the Tuesday events for student’s welfare.
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