Student Nurses’ Association and Student Nurses’ Council, ICON has organized a Pongal celebration on 12.01.2024 between 9am to 1.00Pm
Student Nurses’ Association and Student Nurses’ Council, ICON has organized a Pongal celebration on 12.01.2024 between 9am to 1.00Pm. It is celebrated to thank God for all his goodness to look forward to a prosperous year. The students arrived in traditional dhotis and saree to mark the occasion. The faculties and students gathered to celebrate Pongal with their respective classes. It was an ambience filled with revelry, music, dance and joyful faces reverberated with big smiles.
The ceremony was inaugurated by lighting the lamp, prayer and the firewood was lighted by Prof.Dr.R.Rajeswari , Vice Principal .As the milk came up to the brim of the pot, boiled water and milk overflowed and the crowd cooed ‘pongalo pongal’ to express the oneness.
Students celebrated with traditional games and done rangoli as the symbol of culture and tradition. Sweet Pongal was distributed to all the students .
All the faculties and students participated in the programme and enjoyed it with great enthusiasm . Overall program was organized successfully under the Guidance of Principal Prof.Dr. Malliga. M and Prof.Dr. Rajeswari. R Vice Principal cum IQAC Coordinator. The Programme successfully ended at 1pm .Mrs. Kavitha, Associate Professor ,coordinated the overall Programme.
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