SVCET Organises bootcamp for National Level Hackathon in context with the Sustainaible development on 18-4-2023
SVCET Organises bootcamp for National Level Hackathon in context with the Sustainaible development on 18-4-2023
We are glad to share that on 18-4-2023 SVCET successfully organised the bootcamp for National Level Hackathon in context with the Sustainaible development agenda of G20 meet under India's presidency at SVCET, Puducherry.
EDII, Ahmedabad has launched a Nationwide hackathon with target of 1000 qualified entries and bootcamp(expert sessions) region wise planned.
In Pondicherry, Sri Venkateshwaraa Group of Institutuion is the regional host for hackathon and bootcamp. Around 150 plus students have participated from Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Engineering & Technology, Indirani College of Nursing, Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College and Sri Venkateshwaraa Pharmacy College.
Our Chief Operating Officer Dr.B.Vidhya Madam has ignited the programme and delivered key note address. Dr.S.Pradeep Devaneyan, Principal, Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Engineering and Technology has delivered the Welcome address.
The first session was handled by Dr.Jaishankar, Project officer, EDII on Entrepreneurship ecosystem. He shared insights about entrepreneurship support schemes for innovators and startups.
Second session by Mr.Karthikeyan, CEO, BP machine school focused on value innovation, business model and marketing strategies.
Third session by Mr.Vishnu, CEO, AICPECF shared about SDG goals and success stories of Sustainable startups.
Dr.K.B. Jayarraman, Dean / Academics, Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Engineering and Technology has delivered the Vote of Thanks.
This programme was well organized by Placement Officer Mr.Anadharaj with the help of IIC Coordinator Mr.Palanivel AP/Mech. Of SVCET.
Overall the bootcamp provided the students an environment to nurture their entrepreneurial skills.
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