Yoga Day 2023 - Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College, Puducherry
INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY was celebrated on 21st June 2023 in Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College . The progarmme was organized by yoga club of Sri Vengateshwaraa Dental College. 2 volunteers from Isha foundation conducted the programme. The programme started with Tamizh thai vazthu. Welcome address was given by Visalakshi (intern). Principal Dr. Senthilnathan, MDS , Dr.Yuvaraj, MDS, Professor Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Dr.Ahila, MDS Reader Department of Periodontics, organized and felicitated the guests.
1 hour audio visual session followed by practical demonstration and performance by 150 students and faculties of Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College. The programme concluded with vote of thanks by Dr.Yuvaraj
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