International Womens Day 2021 - Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College, Puducherry
International women’s day is considered as a special day, that brings out many things for women-a cause for celebration, a reason to praise and remember about womenhood. To honour this day, on behalf of Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental college ‘Womens Empowerment Cell’International Women’s day was celebrated on 8th of march 2021 which was attended by staffs,students and CRRI.

International women’s day is considered as a special day, that brings out many things for women-a cause for celebration, a reason to praise and remember about womenhood. To honour this day, on behalf of Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental college ‘Womens Empowerment Cell’International Women’s day was celebrated on 8th of march 2021 which was attended by staffs,students and CRRI.
The day began auspiciously with the ‘Thamizh Thai Vazhthu’ followed by lightening of kuthuvilaku by the dignitaries Chief operating officer (COO),Principal,Guest speaker, Women Empowerment Cell members. Then welcome address was given by Dr.Varsha Murthy,HOD,Department of Prosthodontics followed by felicitation of the chief guest Ms.Nandhini(Entrepreneur) and Ms.Bella(Pink Ambassador) by COO and Principal.
Dr.Senthilnathan,Principal, SVDC delivered his speech about the role and importance of women in his life. COO,Dr.Vidhya enlightened the audience with her inspirational life story.Introduction about speakers was done by Dr.Bindu Meera John and Dr.Marie Asha Ambroise. Following this Ms.Nandhini who is an Agriculturalist and Entrepreneur shared about her struggles and fruitful success story (topic-‘Success has no Bounds’ which was inspirational and motivational to the gathering.Then a ‘Women Safety Demo’ using Martial arts was demonstrated by Ms.Swathi(CRRI) and team to counter various untoward incidents faced by women in day to day life.
The day went by Ms.Bella(PINK Ambassador) for Breast Cancer Awareness outpouring on the topic ‘Wonder Women’. She shared inspirational stories and stated how to get inspired by people around us in day to day life and how each one of us can contribute at individual level for benefit of women’s in society.
The day went on with the projection of short film (‘kangaroo kutty’) which was directed and acted by CRRI. Following this,competitions like dream catcher making and jewellery making were conducted. These competitions were judged by the guest speakers.Then prize were distributed to the winners and the girl participants for sports and other events.The day ended with vote of thanks by Dr.Gayathri,Reader,Department of Periodontology.
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