MOTIVATION SESSION GIVEN BY Dr K B Jayarraman to PUDUCHERRY BNI CORAL at their 350 week meeting celebrations on 14th November 2024 at Hotel SUNWAY MANOR
MOTIVATION SESSION GIVEN BY Dr K B Jayarraman to PUDUCHERRY BNI CORAL at their 350 week meeting celebrations on 14th November 2024
SVCET Vice Principal Dr.K.B. Jayarraman has given a motivational lecture session to Puducherry BNI CORAL - at their 350th weekly meeting held on 14th November 2024 held at Hotel SUNWAY MANOR Puducherry.
He has delivered the following topics to neary 75 Businessmen who are the members of BNI CORAL, Puducherry.
1. How to make ur Customers Happy?
2. How to learn from your failures?
3.Never choose short cuts in Business and don't be an accurate member in the business.
4. Love your Business
5. Dont stop yourself in growing of your business
6. Take various Advertisement strategies in your business using Digital Marketting Techniques
7. How to improve Good will of your Company?
8. Provide Employment Oppurtunities for Orphans, Physically Handicapped People, Transgenders.
9. Improve Your Savings
10. Cut short the unwanted expenses etc.
During their 350 th Weekly Meeting, nearly 75 Buinsessmen have attended the meering along with Mr. AMIT NAIN, DGM & HEAD of MSME Technology cnetre, Puducherry. The BNI CORAL President Mr.Vinod Kumar, Vice President Sanjay Jain and Secretary / Treasurer Sachin Jain were actively arranged their Weekly Meeting in a Systematic Manner.
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