Shambhavi Mahamudra Yoga Practice
24.07.2024 & 30.07.2024
Kriya Healing Centre & Isha Yoga Foundation has Jointly organized 7 days Program of “Shambhavi Mahamudra Yoga Practice” for B.Sc Nursing Final year students from 24.07.2024- 30.07.2024.
Through this program Shambhavi Mahamudra Yoga Practice was taught to students and totally 55 students were trained by Ms. Shanthi, ISHA Foundation, Yoga Trainer from 24.07.2024- 30.07.2024 between 11 am and 1.30 Pm. It helped to optimize health and vitality, focus, memory and reduce stress, balances hormonal levels in the body among the students. All the students practiced & performed “Shambhavi Mahamudra Yoga Practice.
Especially, On the fifth day of "Shambhavi Mahamudra Yoga Practice," all the students gathered in the college playground at 6 am for games. After the games, students got refreshed and performed yoga Practice. After that, all the students participated in the Guru Pooja, which implies the use of emotion as a tool and entails a reorientation of one's energies that might bring a different quality into one's life, and Shambhavi Diksha was offered by Sadhguru, the Founder of Isha Foundation. Isha yoga Trainer clarified several doubts expressed by Students. On that day, Isha Yoga Foundation provided breakfast and lunch to our students. The food items were prepared without use of fire, with all kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits.
This programme was presided by Dr. Vidhya, Chief Operating Officer, SVGI with presidential address eliciting that ” Yoga, an ancient Art and Science of health and harmony has vast potential for physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health of every human being.
The series of events was conducted under the guidance of Dr. Prof. Malliga.M, Principal, Dr. Prof. R. Rajeswari, IQAC Coordinator Cum Vice Principal and it was organized by Mrs.Amudha, Kriya Healing Centre Coordinator, ICON, Gunasakthi.G, Lecturer, ICON and Isha Yoga Foundation Volunteers Mrs. A.R. Meenatchi, Mrs. Shanthi, Mr. Prabakar, Ms. Jothi, Mr. Ezhumalai, and the 7 days Shambhavi MahamudraYoga Practice program ended up with great success.
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