Community Dental Camp- Karasur, Puducherry (31.07.2023-Monday)
Department of Public Health Dentistry and National Service Scheme (NSS) of Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College in collaboration with Gramaniyaar- Naadar community Assembly, Pakkamudaiyanpattu, Puducherry conducted community dental camp in Karasur, Puducherry on 31.07.2023 (Monday) between 9.00am to 1.30Pm.
Department of Public Health Dentistry and National Service Scheme (NSS) of Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College in collaboration with Gramaniyaar- Naadar community Assembly, Pakkamudaiyanpattu, Puducherry conducted community dental camp in Karasur, Puducherry on 31.07.2023 (Monday) between 9.00am to 1.30Pm. The faculties Dr. Ramesh- Reader, Dept. of Pedodontics, Dr.G. Shobana, MDS -Senior lecturer, Dept. of Public health Dentistry (NSS Programme Officer), Dr. Hari harasudan, MDS- Senior lecturer, Dept. of Orthodontics were incharge faculties for this camp. Five interns, two non-teaching staffs were attended this camp. Around 30 patients were screened. Awareness on Oral health education regarding brushing technique and diet & Dental caries to all the people who attended the camp.
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