pectrum Conferences on Theme: Improve the Health and Well-Being of Every Citizen Around the World on Topic: Public Health and Preventive Medicine - Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre
Certified By: Spectrum
Programme Organized By: Spectrum Conferences
Theme: Improve the Health and Well-Being of Every Citizen Around the World
Topic: Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Coordinators: Spectrum Conferences
Date: 2023-05-08
Time: 09:00
Venue: Brussels, Belgium
Number of Participants: 80
Select One: Select Participants Category
Purpose: The International Summit on Public Health and Preventive Medicine (ISPHPM2023) will be organized in Brussels, Belgium from May 08-10, 2023 is taken lead by the Spectrum Conferences to gather all the experts at one forum. ISPHPM2023 will continue to provide three days of in-depth exploration of research and development pertaining to Public Health and Preventive Medicine and will include a wide range of topics combining plenary sessions and skill-building workshops while providing multiple opportunities for networking. Here it produces an essential research scope to exhibit the innovative scientific knowledge on the floor.
Conference URL: https://www.
Content: Public Health, Preventive Medicine, Healthcare Management, Primary Health Care, Mental Health, Global Obesity Control, Infectious Diseases, Social Determinants of Health, Public Health Policy, Occupational and Safety Health, Pediatric Health, Geriatric Health, Nutrition, Environmental Health, Health Statistics, Covid, Public Health Education, Digitization of Healthcare, Telemedicine and Telehealth, Health Products, Health Journalism, Cancer Prevention Research, Vaccines, Infant and Child Health, Maternal Health, Family Planning, Epidemiology, Dental Health, Health Economics, Communicable Diseases, Nutrition and Dietetics, Tobacco, Alcohol, Veterinary Public Health, Adolescent & young Adults Health, Non-Communicable Diseases, Reproductive Health, Health Service Management, Health Communication and Health Information Technology, Public Health Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Services, Autoimmune Diseases, HIV/AIDS, Public Health Nursing, Ebola, Monkeypox
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