The Student Council and Literary Club of Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College organized a fun-filled, creative treasure hunt program called the FLOSSOPHY QUEST, which was conducted on the 12th of May 2023, in the library to celebrate ‘ Library Week’.
The Student Council and Literary Club of Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College organized a fun-filled, creative treasure hunt program called the FLOSSOPHY QUEST, which was conducted on the 12th of May 2023, in the library to celebrate ‘ Library Week’. CRRIs’ and third year students participated in the event. The event was coordinated by Dr. Bindu Meera John, Professor, Department of conservative dentistry and endodontics and Dr. Sanghamitra J, Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontology. The theme of the program was to highlight the importance of library, which plays a crucial role in promoting education, research, personality development, ethics, and other important values
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