ICMR-VCRC Field Visit
Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College (SVDC) organized two days field visit ICMR- Vector Control Research Centre (VCRC) on 13.12.2023 & 14.12.2023 at Puducherry.
Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College (SVDC) organized two days field visit ICMR- Vector Control Research Centre (VCRC) on 13.12.2023 & 14.12.2023 at Puducherry. Second year BDS students were visited the ICMR-VCRC Campus. Day started with lecture on over view of the institute and vector borne disease followed by students visited molecular biology laboratory, filariasis clinic and mosquito museum. 70 students were benefitted by this visit. Dr.R.Sudhagar MDS- Vice Principal, Dr.Bindhu Meera John MDS- Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Dr. Ahila MDS- Reader, Department of Periodontics, Dr.G.Shobana MDS- Department of Public health Dentistry, SVDC were in charge faculty. Thanks to SVDC, Dr. Srividhya Mam (Scientist E, Chief HRD, ICMR-VCRC) and Dr. Geetha for the wonderful opportunity to visit the campus.
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