Launch of the book “In Search of Our Ancestors" - Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Engineering and Technology

Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Engineering and Technology, in collaboration with Indian School Psychology Association ( InSPA ) and Mauritius Armoogum Parasuramen Foundation organized the launch of the book “In Search of Our Ancestors” .Shri.B .Ramachandiran Chairman of Sri Venkateshwaraa Group of Institutions congratulated while Prof . Gurmeet Singh Vice chancellor of Pondicherry University gave the special address and unveiled the book. In this book, centuries past migrated lives of people are discussed mainly Pondicherry , Tamil Nadu and various other parts of India migrated livelihoods of people are also mentioned , this shows the victory of migrated ancestors. This book is authored by Dr. Armoogum Parasuramen ,Mauritius Former Minister and Former UNESCO Director and co – authored by Prof . Satyendra Peerthum ,Historian and Researcher. V.S.R . Vijayakumar, Psychologist and Professor,IIM Nagpur and Prof. Santhanam, Psychologist and Director,SDS Institute of Behavioural Sciences explained Memory Techniques and Enhancement of Academic achievements to the students . Mr.Rajiv Krishna Managing Director SVGIand Mrs. Mousmi Rajiv Krishna, Dr.B.Vidya Chief Operating Officer ,SVGI, Mr.A.Soundarajan General manager felicitated the program. Dr .S. Pradeep Devaneyan Principal,svcet addressed the guests . Prof.Panch Ramalingam, Pondicherry University present the scope of the event while vote of thanks was delivered by Dr .K.B . Jayaraman , Dean with this the ceremony ended pleasantly. The Event was organised by Placement officer Mr .J.Anandraj and team .
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