WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY - Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Engineering and Technology, Ariyur, Puducherry
To spread awareness among people and to conserve the environment for a healthy and better future, Sri Venkateshwaraa...

To spread awareness among people and to conserve the environment for a healthy and better future, Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Engineering and Technology celebrated the world environment day in the college campus, Dr.S.Pradeep Devaneyan, Principal, led the program. As harmony with the environment is the need of the hour in this program menace Of using Plastic, Cutting trees and the need to plant trees and to preserve the forest and wildlife were insisted by Shri.B.Ramachandiran, Chairman, SVGI through virtual platform.As hands on work plant saplings were planted in college campus by Dr.S.Pradeep Devaneyan, Principal, Dr.K.B.Jayarraman, Dean , the Head of the departments and the admin staffs . The program was well organised by Mr.V. Karthikeyan, NSS Coordinator.
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