Workshop on Childhood Disorders and Genetic Counselling
Genetic counseling helps to identify families at possible risk of a genetic condition by gathering and analyzing family history and inheritance patterns and calculating chances of recurrence.
Genetic counseling helps to identify families at possible risk of a genetic condition by gathering and analyzing family history and inheritance patterns and calculating chances of recurrence. Indirani College of Nursing and Sathya Special School jointly organizing a Workshop under the theme of “Childhood Disorders and Genetic Counselling” on 30.01.2024 at Lecture Hall,ICON,between 10.00 AM TO 1.00 PM
The Programme started at 10.00 AM with a warm welcome by Mrs.Vijayasri.v, Lecturer ICON.An inaugural session was started, Ms,Bindhu Modi,President of Sathya Special School, honored the chief guest Prof.Dr.Malliga Kannan,Principal,ICON. After that Ms,Bindhu Modi,President of Sathya Special School, gavea Felicitation address. “Genetic Awareness manual release “was done by Chief Guest Prof.Dr.Malliga Kannan,Principal,ICON. Pre-test conducted for students by using a set of questionnaires. Following that Workshop firstsession wasstartedby the Resource person, Dr.Karthikeyan,MD,Department of Pediatrics,Mahathma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute. He delivered an elaborate lecture on the following topics,such as Underestimation of genetic disorders, Early detection and diagnosis, Application of genetic counseling, Role of nurse in Genetic counseling.After the completion of a session, queries are cleared by Dr.Karthikeyan,MD,Department of Pediatrics.
The second Session was started by Mrs.Vijaya, Trainer,Sathya Special School. She clearly explained about disability and its impact. She also explains various therapiesthrough telecasting videos,which are in current practicesin Sathya Special School. It was very informative and useful.The overall program was organized and conducted successfully by Mrs. Amudha,Associate Professor,Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology under the Guidance of Principal Prof.Dr. Malliga. M, Prof.Dr. Rajeswari. R Vice Principal cum IQAC Coordinator. The program was successfully ended by 1.00 PM.
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