Problem Based Learning for Faculties
Internal Quality Assurance Cell and Dental Education Unit of Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College, Puducherry, conducted two days workshop (25.06.2024 and 26.06.2024) on Problem Based Learning for faculties. Prof. DR. J Sabarinathan, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Prof. DR. Maya Ramesh, HOD, Department of Oral Pathology, VMSDC were the resource persons from Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation (Deemed to be University).
The program started with welcome note by IQAC coordinator Dr. Shabana. The guest speakers were felicitated by Vice Principal Dr. Sudhakar. The session started with lectures followed by workshop on Problem construction, hands on designing a problem followed by group presentation.
On day 2, there was a lecture on PBL facilitation and selection of facilitator followed by workshop. Faculties from SVDC as well as SVGI attended and were benefitted from the workshop. SVDC Principal, Dr. Senthilnathan, honoured the resource persons and the session ended with vote of thanks by DEU coordinator Dr. H. Gayathri.
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