TEACHERS DAY CELEBRATION - Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Physiotherapy

On account of teacher’s day, the final year students organized a teacher’s day celebration on 5th of September 2022 at the 6TH Floor, Mary McMillan Hall, SVCOPT. The program was started around 10 am with a welcome speech by Mr. Naveen raja and a welcome dance by Miss. Subapradha from final year. The faculties were given various fun filled tasks to perform. They shared their experience and their passion as a teacher, a guide, mentor and a well-wisher. Next, Miss. Avani from 2nd year performed a speech about our faculties on behalf of all the students of SVCOPT. The staff members expressed their love towards the students and received a token of love from the students. A heart-warming singing performance was given by Mr. Kaushik from final year and various energetic group dance performance was given by 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st year students. More than 200 students spectated the event and the students from all the years had an active participation in the cultural events. Finally, the vote of thanks was given by Mr. Harish from final year.
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