Breast Cancer Awareness Programme - Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Engineering and Technology

Every October marks Breast Cancer Awareness month, a national campaign to raise awareness for this cause. Women don't often present for medical care due to various reasons such as illiteracy, lack of awareness and financial constraints. Owing to the lack of awareness of this disease and in absence of a breast cancer screening program, the majority of breast cancers are diagnosed at a relatively advanced stage. With the philanthropic guidance of Shri.B.Ramachandran,Chairman,SVGI, as an effort to meet with the overriding necessity for awareness among its students, Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Engineering and Technology, an uprising educational institute based at Puducherry organized an awareness programme for breast cancer, on the third monday of this month of October, marking the pink month, mainly attempting to understand the level of awareness about breast cancer and draw necessary inferences. The event was coordinated by the Women Empowerment Cell of SVCET for all the female students from freshman sophomores to the final years under the presence and guidance of the Principal, Dr.S.Pradeep Devaneyan and Dean Dr.K.B.Jayarraman. Professor.G. Jamunarani, HOD of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology nursing at Indirani College of Nursing, Puducherry, the eminent speaker of the day, in her speech, emphasized on the importance of knowing about breast cancer, its diagnosis, prevention and risk factors which was followed by a presentation about its stages, clinical features, early diagnosis and management including the key part, a demonstration of self-breast examination by final year BSc Nursing students. A structured and pretested questionnaire was adopted and used with main domains of Socio-demographic details, Knowledge on breast cancer awareness, Breast cancer prevention, Knowledge on Breast self-examination and Clinical breast examination and Mammography. Lifestyle changes, early detection through screening, and advanced treatment have the immense potential to prevent cancer, improve outcomes and survival rates. All we need is awareness of breast cancer to save lives before cancer gets a hold over the body…
The programme was overseen and participated by various department heads and the programme was well organised by Mrs.V.Anbukarasi, Head-Women Empowerment Cell of SVCET.
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