CESAM 2023
Hands-on Workshop on “Contemporary Edgewise and Segmented Arch Mechanics”
Hands-on Workshop on “Contemporary Edgewise and Segmented Arch Mechanics” was conducted for the post-graduate students by the Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics on 15th& 16th December, 2023 at Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College. Post-Graduate students from various colleges attended the workshop. The program was started with a welcome note given by Dr. Marie Asha Ambroise, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics. The introductory note about the speaker was given by Dr. Roshan Elias, Professor & HOD, Department of Orthodontics &Dentofacial Orthopaedics.Dr.BalasubramanianMadhan, Professor & HOD, JIPMER,Puducherry was the guest speaker. The lecture was very informative,which was followed by an interactive session of the audience with the speaker. Following the lecture, Hands-on course was conducted.The program concluded with the distribution of certificate and memento to the presenter by Dr. S. Senthilnathan, Principal, HODDepartment of Periodontology. Vote of thanks was given by Dr. R. Rajab Ali, Associate Professor, Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics.
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