3Days WORKSHOP PRANYAMA - Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Physiotherapy, Ariyur, Puducherry 605 102.
The Pondicherry university community college conducted 3days PRANYAMA WORKSHOP for our college students and faculties.
The Pondicherry university community college conducted 3days PRANYAMA WORKSHOP for our college students and faculties. This PRANYAMA was conducted in Pondicherry university community college, badminton court at 4 to 6 pm , it was organised by Dr. Murugesan Assistant Professor in community college held on ( 10.02.2022 to 12.02.2022). Our faculties and 1st year BPT students were participated this was coordinated by Mr. J. Sathiyanadan physical director of our college. This was the first PRANYAMA WORKSHOP and the the speaker was Professor Dr. Suldhana dept. of physical education and sports Pondicherry university under the topic of "PRANYAMA PATHWAYS". It was highly useful for the students to enrich their knowledge and finally the Pondicherry university community college facilitate our beloved principal of SVCOPT with momentum for our college students who actively participated in "PRANYAMA WORKSHOP".
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