STIZ – STUDENTS TEACHERS INTERACTIVE ZONE (07.06.2022) - Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Physiotherapy
As a part of an intra-collegiate venture (Tuesday event), every first Tuesday STIZ is conducted by Mrs M. Malarvizhi MPT (ORTHO), Assistant professor is designated as a coordinator of STIZ along with 2ndyear - 4th year BPT students. On this STIZ for this academic year was conducted on 7th June 2022 around 3.30 to 4.30 pm at the multi-purpose hall, 6th floor SVCOPT.
As a part of an intra-collegiate venture (Tuesday event), every first Tuesday STIZ is conducted by Mrs M. Malarvizhi MPT (ORTHO), Assistant professor is designated as a coordinator of STIZ along with 2ndyear - 4th year BPT students. On this STIZ for this academic year was conducted on 7th June 2022 around 3.30 to 4.30 pm at the multi-purpose hall, 6th floor SVCOPT.
Firstly described the college rules and regulations and clinical posting instructions for students and then congrats and appreciate the faculty achievements by Mrs M. Malarvizhi Assistant professor. On behalf of this we congrats Mr. M. Paulraj Associate professor National Institute of Technology Puducherry (NITPY) hosted the first international conference on sports injury prevention and management and he made a guest presentation on the theme of “Effectiveness of bosu ball training in combination with trampoline trainingof jumping performance and balance for basket ball players”. Next, we congratulate Ms. B. Simulia Dhinju Associate professor a advisory head of STIZ for the completion of the 45 article’s copyright registration for all our project works with free of costand then recently we issued the newsletter that is PHYSIO PULSE of our college SVCOPT in the period of 2020- 2021by the co-patron Dr A. Pahinian, principal SVCOPT and co-editor Mrs. M. Malarvizhi Assistant professor, Mr. S. Ramkumar Assistant professor.
On this as a president of STIZ our beloved principal sir issued the certificate and prizes for the winners in that, our college students participated in the first research day, Ms. Kirthiga MPT – 2ndyear won the first prize in poster presentation. In national voter’s awareness program Mr. Vasantharaj and Mr. Vimal MPT- 1st year won 1st and 2nd prize in video making, e-poster, slogan, Ms. Subalakshmi MPT 1st won 1st prize in quiz. In CHET PHYSICON (national level conference by chettinadu Mr. vimal won 2nd prize in chess In world Physiotherapy day IAPWC, Puducherry, our intern Ms. Bharathi won 1st prize in e-poster.
Our intern got participation certificate for world physiotherapy day camp. In 14th national inter-physiotherapy collegiate sports and cultural feast 2022 (SRM) our 3rd year students Ms. Nandhini won 3rd prize in nail art and Ms. Kumudhini won 1st prize in rangoli. In National Voters Awareness program, our 2nd year students Mr. Raja Ganapathy won 1st prize in slogan and quiz, Ms. Keerthana won 1st prize in poster, Ms. Sowmiya won 2nd prize in drawing, next our hounarable principal sir issued the certificates for the students from the 1styear, 2nd year and 3rd year the participation certificate for national voter’s awareness program.
then our principal sir discussed about the feedback form the students from 2nd year to final year and general instructions and guidance to the students. The STIZ program was organised under the support of our beloved principal sir, faculties and student coordinators, nearly 150 students took part in the event, finally Mrs M. Malarvizhi Assistant professor delivered the vote of thanks.
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