National Cons – Endo day
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics commemorated Cons-Endo Day on March 3rd 2023 at Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College.
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics commemorated Cons-Endo Day on March 3rd 2023 at Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College. The audience consisted of interns and post graduate students of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, SVDC. The event started with the inaugural function. Dr. Dinesh, Professor and HODof Conservative Dentistry and Endodonticsdelivered the welcome note. Dr.Denny, Senior lecturer, Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics presented a brief lecture on “HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY AND ENDODONTICS”. Quiz competition via Kahoot and soap carving/Model Making with the theme of Root Canal Treatment wasorganized. Dr. Yuvaraj, Vice Principal, Professor and HOD of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery and Dr. Shanmugavadivel, Professor and HOD of Pedodontics, Dr. Baladhandayoudam, Professor, Department of Oral Surgery judged the events and prizes were distributed. Dr. BinduMeera John delivered the vote of thanks.
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