“SAY NO TO PLASTICS” ON WORLD PAPER DAY Rally - Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Engineering and Technology
Single use plastics are serious hazard to our mother earth, studies confirm that the proliferation of plastics is accelerating climate change and should be urgently halted as it affects the ecosystem on the whole
Single use plastics are serious hazard to our mother earth, studies confirm that the proliferation of plastics is accelerating climate change and should be urgently halted as it affects the ecosystem on the whole. With similar concerns through the philanthropic guidance of Shri.B.Ramachandiran,Chairman, SVGI. Sri Venkateshwaraa College of engineering and technology in association with YUCI organized a rally for “SAY NO TO PLASTICS” ON WORLD PAPER DAY july 12th at Villianur.
Chief Guest of the program Shri.R.Mohankumar.PPS, Superintendent of Police-Traffic, Puducherry, created awareness to the students and appreciated them for their effort. Mr.Soundarajan,GM,SVGI; Dr.B.Vidhya,COO,SVGI; Dr.S.Pradeep Devaneyan,Principal, Dr.K.B.Jayaraman,Dean, Shri.I.Siva Johnson Kennady,Inspector of Police-Traffic,Villiyanur, heads of the department ,faculties and students actively participated in the rally. The event was well organized by Mrs.Lakshmipriya.K.AP/English, Mr.Karthikeyan.AP/Mechanical department and by the student volunteers Mr. Akash & Mr. Fernandes, III Year, ECE Department: Mr. Dinesh, III Year, BME Department.
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