Research Methodology: Understanding systematic reviews and meta-analysis
The goal of the CME was to sensitise the faculty and postgraduates in Research methodology regarding Randomised controlled studies, Cohort studies , observational studies and how to analyse them with respect to quality to include in to a Systematic Review and perform Metanalysis to arrive at Evidence which is in the form of a GRADE.

CME Activity Report:
The goal of the CME was to sensitise the faculty and postgraduates in Research methodology regarding Randomised controlled studies, Cohort studies , observational studies and how to analyse them with respect to quality to include in to a Systematic Review and perform Metanalysis to arrive at Evidence which is in the form of a GRADE.
The programme resource persons were from “Cochrane Systematic Review group” from the reputed Institute of CHRISTIAN MEDICAL COLLEGE ,Vellore , Tamil Nadu.
The CME activity was awarded 2 CREDIT HOURS TO THE Participants and 3 Credit hours for the Resource persons.
The Programme was inaugurated by the Chief Operating Officer of SVGI group of Institutions, Dr, Vidhya and Director SVMHCRC Prof. Ratnasamy and Dean Research and PG Academics Prof. Papa Dasari in presence of the august speakers and former Dean Research Prof. S. Mahadevan.
The organizing Chair person, Prof Papa Dasari delivered the Welcome Address and highlighted importance of Systematic Reviews in the Research Pyramid. Director addressed the gathering to increase their knowledge through this CME activity and closely note the difference between Systematic review and Meta-analysis. COO addressed the gathering and stressed the importance of research in medical field and the necessity of implementing it at all levels in the curriculum. She also emphasized on the quality of research and its output in the form of publications.
The programme started with Dr. Satish delivering a detailed lecture on Randomized controlled studies from Basics to advances regarding inclusion and exclusion criteria and principles of randomization and methods of randomization and pros and cons of RCT. He then deliberated on Various types of Cohort studies , case control studies, observational studies and the type of evidence that can be derived from them with suitable examples.
Prof. Kamath spoke about the need for systematic reviews and deliberated on the basis of Sytematic reviews and Metanalysis and how to choose a topic for Systematic analysis.
Prof. Vignesh conducted a very interactive session on various Data bases regarding literature search in detail. It is really vast and upto date
Post Lunch session , Dr Prassanna deliberated on Meta-analysis, Statistical softwares and taught about the methods of calculation of Odds Ratio, Risk Ratio, Confidence Intervals etc.
Prof. Kamath detailed about the Cochrane method of Systematic reviews and explained the forest plot and the significance of Diamond and drawing conclusions and also deliberated on Risk bias.
He finally spoke on the evidence formation and GRADE of Synthesis and to form sentences when conclusions are made and Recommendations are puforth.
The participants were encouraged to ask questions and give comments throught the CME in all sessions
The programme ended with Vote of thanks from Dr. Sri Sai Priya, former member Secretary IEC SVMCHRC. The feedback regarding the CME activity was sent in Googleforms to the participants.
The compilation of CME by the Oragnising Secretary can be found below
With Regards and Thanks to the management to have permitted to conduct this CME Activity.
Papa Dasari
Organising Chair person
Dean Research and PG Academic
Department |
Research and Development cell & Medical Education Unit |
Name of the Program |
Research Methodology: Understanding systematic reviews and meta-analysis |
Nature of the Program |
One day CME |
Topic |
1. Introduction to RCT 2. Introduction to Cohort study 3. Introduction to Systematic review 4. Literature search 5. Meta-analysis 6. Risk of bias 7. GRADE |
Date |
19 September, 2024 |
Venue |
Lecture hall, second floor, New building, College block, SVMCH&RC |
Time |
08.30 am to 4.00 pm |
No of Participants/Delegates |
Total Participants: 65 (Online+spot) SVMCH&RC – 40 (some did not sign) SVDC - 6 SVCOPT - 14 ICON - 05 JIPMER - 01
Resourse Persons (Name, designation & organization) |
1. Dr. Mohan S Kamath, Director of CSRG Senior Professor & Head, Reproductive Medicine & Surgery, Christian Medical College, Vellore 2. Dr. Sathish Kumar, Professor Department of Pediatrics, Christian Medical College, Vellore 3. Dr. Vignesh Kumar Chandraseharan Department of General Medicine, Christian Medical College, Vellore 4. Dr. Prasanna Samuel, Associate Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Christian Medical College, Vellore
Organisers |
Dr. Papa Dasari Organizing Chairperson, Dean Research & PG Academics SVMCH&RC
Dr. Surendar Rangasamy Organizing Secretary Chaiman SRC, SVMCHRC Professor, Department of Community Medicine, SVMCH&RC Dr. Lavanya M Organizing Secretary Member Secretary IEC, SVMCHRC Professor, Department of Pathology, SVMCH&RC
Dr. Sakti Balan MEU- coordinator SVMCH&RC
Activities / events |
Research Activity |
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