STUDENT TEACHER INTERACTION ZONE - Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Physiotherapy, Ariyur, Puducherry 605 102
As a part of an intra-collegiate venture (Tuesday Event), every first Tuesday STUDENT TEACHER INTERACTION ZONE (STIZ) is conducted. Mrs. M. MALARVIZHI MPT (ORTHO), Assistant Professor is designated as the Co-ordinator of STIZ along with the elected student board members from each year starting from second to final yr BPT students. . It is one of the student support and progression programme in the academic year of 2020-2021.
As a part of an intra-collegiate venture (Tuesday Event), every first Tuesday STUDENT TEACHER INTERACTION ZONE (STIZ) is conducted. Mrs. M. MALARVIZHI MPT (ORTHO), Assistant Professor is designated as the Co-ordinator of STIZ along with the elected student board members from each year starting from second to final yr BPT students. . It is one of the student support and progression programme in the academic year of 2020-2021. The purpose of this interaction zone is to motivate and exhibit the hidden talents/skills of the students in the co curricular/ extracurricular activities and also appreciate both students and teachers actively participating of curricular and co curricular activities. And to identify the issues and feedbacks in person from the students which witness the measures to be taken for the welfare of students. To improve the quality of teaching for the betterment of studentship learning experience
On this Student teacher interaction zone for this academic was resumed on 2nd December 2021 around 3:30 to 4:30 pm at our Multipurpose hall, 6th floor, SVCOPT. Firstly descried about event and gave some rules and regulation for students , discuss about UGC sports event, university exam dates, national ported scholarship schemes, and we also congratulate the winners of following events A) conference conducted by BETHANY PHYSIO FIESTA 2021-inter college virtual event in following category are paper and poster presentation was held on 12th oct , winners are .Balaji , Vidthya, Abin Jhonson from BPT intern. B) our students M.shalini(BPT intern) and M.narmadtha(BPT final year) secured runner up of Pondicherry basketball association affiliated to basketball federation of india conducted on 15th oct C) our student Vasanthra.M ( BPT intern)won 1sry place in district level ,3rd place –state level conducted by Siddharboomi Pondicherry Yogasana sports association affiliated to national yogasana sports federation (NYSF) on 10th oct D) our college SVCOPT students of both PG and UG had participated in the” vaccine run” marathon in association with “peaceful Puducherry”and an imitative of sustain ace development council” Puducherry on the theme of awareness and motivation to get vaccinated (100% vaccinated puducherry )on 27th nov 2021 .
As it the first STIZ event of this academic, it was organized under by the support of our beloved Principal Sir, faculties and student Co-ordinators, nearly 150 students took part in the event, finally ,Mrs M. Malarvizhi .,Assistant professor delivered the vote of thanks.
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