STUDENT TEACHER INTERACTION ZONE - Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Physiotherapy, Ariyur, Puducherry 605 102.
As a part of an intra-collegiate venture (Tuesday Event), every first Tuesday STUDENT TEACHER INTERACTION ZONE (STIZ)is conducted.Mrs. M.MALARVIZHI MPT (ORTHO), Assistant Professor is designated as the Co-ordinator of STIZ along with the elected student board members from each year starting from second to final yr BPT students. .It is one of the student support and progression program in the academic year of 2021-2022.
As a part of an intra-collegiate venture (Tuesday Event), every first Tuesday STUDENT TEACHER INTERACTION ZONE (STIZ)is conducted.Mrs. M.MALARVIZHI MPT (ORTHO), Assistant Professor is designated as the Co-ordinator of STIZ along with the elected student board members from each year starting from second to final yr BPT students. .It is one of the student support and progression program in the academic year of 2021-2022.
The purpose of this interaction zone is to motivate and exhibit the hidden talents/skills of the students in the co curricular/extracurricularactivities and also appreciate both students and teachers actively participating of curricular and co curricular activities.And to identify the issues and feedbacks in person from the students which witness the measures to be taken for the welfare of students.To improve the quality of teaching for the betterment of studentship learning experience.
On this student teacher interaction zone for this academic year was conducted on 4 January 2022 AROUND 3:30 TO 4:30 PM at or multipurpose hall,6th floor SVCOPT. Firstly described the college general instruction and clinical posting instruction for the students by Mrs. Malarvizhi, Asst. Professor. Our college students participated in the STRIDE event conducted by SAVEETHA COLLEGE OF PHYSIOTHERAPY. The Award winning Short film and Dance was visualized in the STIZ program. Our beloved principal sir issued the certificates for 17th SYMPOSIUM conducted on 29-12-2021 for the participant students. On account of World Physiotherapy Day our college conducted a camp in Arumpathapuram village and those certificates were also issued for both the students and the actively participated staffs. In the STRIDE event our college won the overall runner up , and the trophy was issued on this event. Prizes were given to the students and teacher who had participated in the students activity conclave conducted on 14-12-2021.
Our Principal sir appreciated Mr. M. Karunakaran, Associate professor and Mrs. Malarvizhi, Asst. professor for successfully conducting the 16th& 17th Symposium in the year 2021 and Mrs. Kanimozhi, Tutor for her knowledgable presentation in evidence based clinical presentation event on the topic of “Wrist drop”. Certificate was issued to Mr. Paul Raj, Associate professor for taking seminar on the topic of “RESEARCH METHODOLOGY” in the scientific forum event.
As it the first STIZ event of this year 2022, it was organized under the support of our beloved Principal Sir, faculties and student Co-ordinators, nearly 150 students took part in the event, finally ,Mrs M. Malarvizhi .,Assistant professor delivered the vote of thanks.
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