The Students’ Teachers’ Interaction Zone (STIZ) - Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Physiotherapy
The Students’ Teachers’ Interaction Zone (STIZ) was held on 7th of April (Wednesday)2021, in Sri Venkateshwara College of Physiotherapy. Last month, long after the restrictions of Pandemic, students were gathered together for meeting but this time due to the increased restrictions to com-bat the Pandemic - the 3rd year and 2nd year students were made to participate through online mode, final year and PG students were gathered and all the faculties were present in SVCOPT.
The Students’ Teachers’ Interaction Zone (STIZ) was held on 7th of April (Wednesday)2021, in Sri Venkateshwara College of Physiotherapy. Last month, long after the restrictions of Pandemic, students were gathered together for meeting but this time due to the increased restrictions to combat the Pandemic - the 3rd year and 2nd year students were made to participate through online mode, final year and PG students were gathered and all the faculties were present in SVCOPT.
The Highlights of STIZ :
Mrs. Siva Shalini (Coordinator of STIZ) congratulated Mr.Paul Raj (Associate professor) and
Mr. Anand Babu (Associate professor) to pursue their study successfully who have enrolled for their PHD study in Central university.
The student of the current internship batch - Ms. Harithra who was guided by Ms. Simulia Dhinju (Assistant professor) and Mr. Paul Raj (Associate professor) was congratulated as she has successfully published her article in Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy (APRIL - 2021).
Ms. Saidharshini from the Internship was congratulated for publishing her article successfully.
The Internship students (Ms. Dharani, Ms. Manjula, Ms. Sayeeshwari and Mr. Dhanasekhar) were congratulated for their ongoing publishing work and their perseverance to publish their studies.
The suggestions and feedbacks of the students were listened through online and offline and they were assured to ease their discomforts during online classes.
The Students were advised to have regularity in their online classes as their attendance will be strictly considered and 2nd Internal is to be conducted in SVCOPT.
An information regarding the Interview for software profession in medical coding is being conducted by ENOAH in Chennai was conveyed to the students.
Students requested for job orientation class in order to meet out the challenges on interview site.
Students in need of better insight about research article publications and manuscript writing.
The students were also assured to have arranged CME for project publication to expand their knowledge.
A Manual therapy workshop on Mulligan’s technique has been organised this Friday & Saturday (9 & 10 of April) and the final year students and the internship students were encouraged to utilise this availability.
A Campus drive for Internship students to learn software coding is yet to be conducted for the students.
The students were counselled to be vaccinated as 18 years and above are eligible.
And at last the Principal-. Dr. Pahinian addressed the students and encouraged them to make use of this privilege at STIZ every month.
Thanks to Principal-. Dr. Pahinian and Mrs. Siva Shalin (Assistant professor) for keeping the interactions alive through the online mode for the first time.
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