The Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) organized a addon course on SPSS on 3rd and 4thFebruary 2023 - Indirani College of Nursing
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) organizedaaddon course on SPSSon 3rdand 4thFebruary 2023 at Indirani College of Nursing, Ariyur, Puducherry. The eminent speakers Mr.Balachandar V, the SPSS Trainer, Puducherrydeliberated in-detail about the concepts and techniques of Statistical Package For Social SciencesType of Scale of Measurements, Preparation of data, Screening and cleaning data, Manipulation of data, Multivariate ANOVAon the first day.The second day –Correlation, T- test & Chi test, Descriptive statistics. The students of M.Sc Nursing II year and M.Sc I year attended the course for 2 days. Theparticipants were gained knowledge aboutSPSS and how to be safe while handling online sites. Overall Programme was organized and conducted successfully by Ms.Dhanlakshmi.J, Assistant Professor under the guidance of Principal Prof.Dr.Malliga.M and Prof.Dr.Rajeswari.R, Vice Principal cum IQAC coordinator. The program ended at 4.30pm. Certificates were presented to the beneficiaries by the presenters. At the end of the presentation the beneficiaries given a very good feedback about the information provided at all session.
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