The welcome address was delivered by Mrs.Amudha, Associate Professor, Secretary, Anti Sexual Harassment Committee with cheers. Dr.Rachna Singh, Superintendent of Police, Government of Puducherry
Women Cell & Anti sexual Harassment committee has organized a Self Defence Programme on 30.06.2023 between 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm at Multipurpose hall, to create awareness on the theme. The welcome address was delivered by Mrs.Amudha, Associate Professor, Secretary, Anti Sexual Harassment Committee with cheers. Dr.Rachna Singh, Superintendent of Police, Government of Puducherry has enthusiastically discussed with the young students about assertiveness and the ways to handle the critical situation in the befitted manner. She demonstrated the various self defence skills to the students by active participation. She has sincerely put forth some tips in handling every day crisis to the youth and enabled them to live securely. The programme was presided by Dr. B. Vidhya, Chief Operating Officer, Sri Venkateshwaraa Groups of Institutions, who honoured the resource person with a token of accomplishments and addressed the students to live the world with boldness and safety.
The session was attended by 212 students of B. Sc Nursing I Year , B. Sc Nursing II Year and M. Sc Nursing II year students. Mrs.Kavitha.S, Associate .Professor, Secretary of Women Cell organized the Program under the Guidance of Dr. Prof.Malliga M, Principal and Dr.Prof. Rajeswari. R, Vice principal cum IQAC Coordinator. The participant’s feedback was obtained at the end of the program which stated that the awareness of guest speech was very useful and the participants gained in- depth knowledge. Out of 212 beneficiaries, 90 % of participants gave feedback as Excellent and 10 % were given as good about the organization of the event.
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