Community Dental Camp- Villianur Commune Panchayat, Uruvaiyar, Puducherry(02.12.2023-Saturday)
Department of Public Health Dentistry and National Service Scheme (NSS) of SriVenkateshwaraa Dental College, Puducherry conducted Communitydental camp inSelva Nagar Valarchi Group, Villianur Commune Panchayat at Uruvaiyar, Puducherry on 02.12.2023 (Saturday) between 9.00am to1.30Pm.
Department of Public Health Dentistry and National Service Scheme (NSS) of SriVenkateshwaraa Dental College, Puducherry conducted Communitydental camp inSelva Nagar Valarchi Group, Villianur Commune Panchayat at Uruvaiyar, Puducherry on 02.12.2023 (Saturday) between 9.00am to1.30Pm. The faculty Dr.G.Shobana,MDS -Senior lecturer, Dept. of Public health Dentistry (NSS Programme Officer), were inchar7gefor this camp. Six interns, two first year post graduates from Department of Pedodontics & Orthodontics, two non-teaching staffs were attended thiscamp. Around 100 patients were screened and dental treatment was carried out in mobile dental van. Awareness on Oral health educationregarding brushing technique and Diet &Dental caries to all the people whoattended the camp.
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