Indirani College of Nursing(ICON), Ariyur, Puducherry (A unit of Ramachandra educational trust) has organized the event for signing the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with JALY HOME, a unit of Samugam Trust on 09.09.2021 at 02.30 Pm to 04.30 pm.

Indirani College of Nursing(ICON), Ariyur, Puducherry (A unit of Ramachandra educational trust) has organized the event for signing the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with JALY HOME, a unit of Samugam Trust on 09.09.2021 at 02.30 Pm to 04.30 pm. With the guidance of Chairman Shri.B.Ramachandiran, the chief operating officer Dr.Vidhya.B, Sri Venkateshwaraa Group of Institution presided over the functions. Dr.Malliga.M, Principal of Indirani College of Nursing, Ariyur, Puducherry represented the ICON and Mr.Bruno, Founder of Samugam trust represented Jaly Home. The MOU is signed for the mutual sharing of knowledge and facilities for the health care services including health assessment, imparting awareness about the health issues and providing the yoga training for the children as a health promotion activities, sponsoring a girl child belonging to Gipsy community as a social reform and economic reform through creating a platform to collect reusable old clothes and providing venue for selling their art and craft materials made by children of Jaly home. In turn Indirani college of nursing will utilize the facilities for clinical learning and research activities. Prof. Dr.R.Rajeswari Vice principal cum IQAC coordinator and Prof.G.Jamunarani, HOD, Dept of OBG, Indirani College of Nursing, has organized the event. The function is graced with the presence of faculties of ICON and Ms.Kushboo sponsored candidate.
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