National Youth Day - January 2022
Department of Public health Dentistry and Scientific & Academic Forum of Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College conducted awareness program titled, “Role of youth in Modern Society” on 31.01.2022 from 10:30 AM to 11:30 am.
Department of Public health Dentistry and Scientific & Academic Forum of Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College conducted awareness program titled, “Role of youth in Modern Society” on 31.01.2022 from 10:30 AM to 11:30 am. The main objective of the program to provide new insight on the different roles youth can play to make the society a better place. Prof. Dr. S. SenthilnaThan, MDS - Principal, SVDC and Chief operating officer Dr. B. Vidhya, MDS welcomed and felicitated the Guest Speakers. Faculties from Dept. of Public Health Dentistry welcomed the gathering. Our resource person Swami Naravananda, Ramakrishna Mission, Villupuram delivered the lecture. Stancy M, Sudhagar A – CRRIs- SVDC, Puducherry were the Master of ceremonies for the program.
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