The Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) has organized Addon course FIRST AID for B.Sc Nursing I year and P.B.B.Sc Nursing I Year students - Indirani College of Nursing
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) has organized Addon course FIRST AID for B.Sc Nursing I year and P.B.B.Sc Nursing I Year students on 31.12.2022 at Indirani College of Nursing between 8.30am to 4.30pm. The programme started at 8.30am with the warm welcome by Ms.Abirami.I. The Vice Principal Prof.Dr.Rajeswari.R Introduced the resource persons Mr.S.Moorthy, District service coordinator, Mr. Manosundar, District youth coordinator, Mr.M.Rajkamal, Staff Faculty, Mr.S.Gopinath, State faculty, Sathiya sai group of institution. The programme started with the introduction about basics of disaster, qualities required for the volunteers and cyclone formation. Incidence and management of Cyclone, Flood, Tsunami, and Land Sliding was presented with AV aids. The Demonstration sessions was handled by the trainers about the rescue during the disaster by using the ropes and available materials. The students were provided realistic exposure for the rope climbing and other rescue techniques. Prof. Dr. Rajeswari.R, Vice principal, facilitate the gathering and appreciated their voluntary service. Feedback was obtained from the beneficiaries. 100% of the students stated as Excellent organization of the programme. Overall programme was conducted coordinated by Ms.Abirami.I under the guidance of Principal Dr. Prof. Malliga M and Dr. Prof. Rajeswari. R, Vice principal cum IQAC coordinator.
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