WORLD KIDNEY DAY -2021 - Indirani College of Nursing, Puducherry
The World kidney Day was planned and organized by the department of M.Sc Nursing students from the constant support from the respected Principal Mam Dr.Prof.MalligaKannan and guidance of Mrs.Sundari, Lecturer in Department of Medical Surgical Nursing on 11.03.2021 at Indirani College of Nursing , Ariyur, Puducherry. The programme was conducted based on the theme of “Living Well with Kidney Disease.”
The World kidney Day was planned and organized by the department of M.Sc Nursing students from the constant support from the respected Principal Mam Dr.Prof.MalligaKannan and guidance of Mrs.Sundari, Lecturer in Department of Medical Surgical Nursing on 11.03.2021 at Indirani College of Nursing , Ariyur, Puducherry. The programme was conducted based on the theme of “Living Well with Kidney Disease.”
The objective was to inculcate a scientific attitude and research-mindedness and creating teaching aids. It involves students to participate in activities and it helps to develop desirable skill and attitude towards the kidney disorders. The exhibition was inaugurated by the Principal Dr.Prof.MalligaKannan. It was attended by various department faculties who keenly viewed the exhibits and interacted with the students. Our Principal Dr.Prof.MalligaKannan, and Medical Surgical Nursing department faculties Prof.Sunithatherese, HOD of MSN, Mrs.K.Chandralekha, Professor, Ms.Kogilavani Associate Professor ICON acted as judges for the exhibition .
The M.Sc (N) I and II year, P.B.B.Sc – I year and B.Sc (N) II and III year students participated in the event and displayed their posters and models. 10 groups of students from each class were prepared and presented their concepts of the models. The participants displayed their exhibits showcasing the scientific skills and creative thinking through self-designed working models and posters. Demonstrations and explanation were given by the participants. The spectators and teachers were greatly impressed by their performance. Students had made still models, working models, charts and posters to present their topics. The judges appreciated the students explanation regarding the scientific concepts. Our principal madam motivated the students by highlighting the hard work behind the success of the Exhibition. She hailed the confidence and asked the students to keep up the good work. Thus the world kidney day celebration had a great impact on the students.
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