The International Yoga Day 2024 was celebrated on the official theme, “Yoga for Self and
Society” from 18.06.2024 & 22.06.2024 by Kriya Healing center.
The first event was held on demonstration of yoga on 18.06.2024 at Nettapakkam Community
Area, Puducherry. The Second event was held on 19.06.2024 for antenatal mothers at Ariyur
PHC. Yoga (Asana, Pranayama and Meditation)was performed by GNM III year nursing
Students to the clients. The day was graced by Dr. Abinaya, Medical Officer and Dr. Deepti
Maria, Medical Officer, Ayurveda, Primary Health Centre, Ariyur. Antenatal mothers
redemonstrated and benefited by the programme. Third Event was held on 20.06.2024 for
Patients in SVMCH & RC, Ariyur. Yoga was demonstrated by Mrs.Amudha.G, Kriya Healing
Centre Coordinator, ICON. It enhanced the Patients Vital Capacities and flexibility that leads
to improve the health and shorten the hospital Stay. On the International Yoga Day -21. 06.
2024, Yoga demonstration was planned to Nursing Students by trainers from ISHA Foundation
Mrs.K.Meenakshi Prasath & Ms.Harshaa. Added to this Mrs.ThaiyalNayagi, Faculty and
Mrs. Keerthiga Volunteer from the Art of Living, Puducherry.
This programme was presided by Dr. Vidhya, Chief Operating Officer, SVGI with
presidential address eliciting that” Yoga, an ancient Art and Science of health and harmony have
vast potential for physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health of every human being.In
the afternoon session, faculties were practiced Sudarshan kriya at the Kriya Healing centre.
The series of events was conducted under the guidance of Dr. Prof. Malliga.M, Principal, Dr.
Prof. R. Rajeswari, IQAC Coordinator Cum Vice Principal and it was organized by
Mrs.Amudha, Kriya Healing Centre Coordinator, ICON. The programme ended with the
warm gratitude by Prof.Dr.Rathidevi S with a great success.
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