7th National Ayurveda Day 2022 - Indirani College of Nursing
In Commemoration of 7th National Ayurveda Day 2022, Department of Community Health Nursing organized awareness programme on the Theme “ Har Din HarGhar Ayurveda” on 22ndOctober 2022 in alliance with Directorate of Indian systems of Medicine and Homeopathy, Govt of Puducherry at Gandhi Tidal. Students were actively participated in Skit and Drama to insist about the Ayurveda in our daily life routine, Do’s and Don’ts about Ayurveda. The Programme Inaugurated by Honorable Chief Minister,Thiru.N.Rangasamy, Minister of Public Works and Tourism, Thiru.K.Lakshminarayanan, and Secretary of Govt (Health) Thiru.C.Udayakumar,I.A.S.Eminent speaker. Thiru.K.Lakshminarayanan, Minister of Public Works and Tourism, has highlighted about the Ayurveda benefits and its newer updates. This is an eye opening session students of B.Sc Nursing II year students and gained much awareness about the importance of Ayurveda in Indian setting. The Programme was organized by Mr.Thirivikkiraman.Z, Asso..Professor, Dept of Community Health Nursing, Ms.Dhanalakshmi.J, Asst.Professor, Dept of Community Health Nursing, Mr.Vazhumuni.P, Lecturer, Dept of Community Health Nursing, Ms.Indhumathy.G, Lecturer, Dept of Community Health Nursing, under the guidance of Principal Prof.Dr.Malliga M and Prof.Dr.Rajeswari.R, Vice Principal cum IQAC coordinator and Prof.Dr.Rathidevi.S, HOD Department of Community Health Nursing.
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