The Sports Committee of our institution has celebrated World Chess day with the objective of incorporating extracurricular activities in students life and organized Chess competition' on 27.07.2023 between 11.30 am to 12.30 pm .
The Sports Committee of our institution has celebrated World Chess day with the objective of incorporating extracurricular activities in students life and organized Chess competition' on 27.07.2023 between 11.30 am to 12.30 pm . The circular was given to the students priorly and they registered for the competition. The ambient space was arranged and the participants were oriented about the competition and its rules and regulations. The chess competition was held and 12 students have attentively participated in the game. The winners were highly appreciated with small gifts. The programme was conducted successfully under the Guidance of the Principal Dr. Prof. Malliga M and Dr. Prof. Rajeswari. R, Vice principal. The program ended at 12.30 pm with the feedback session. Mr. Vazhvumuni, Lecturer, Department of Community Health Nursing Coordinated the overall program .The participant’s feedback was obtained at the end of the program, which stated that the program was very enjoyable . Their feedback was analyzed and interpreted as excellent, good, and fair. Out of 12 participants, 10 of them expressed as excellent organization and remaining 2 had revealed as good
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