On behalf of international yoga day 2024,YOGA CLUB of SVDC Organied yoga programme for 1 st yr and 2 nd yr BDS students on th theme ‘’YOGA FOR SELF AND SOCIETY’’ on 28.06.2024 from 2.00 PM TO 4.00 PM at lecture hall 2 , 2 nd floor SVDC. The programme started with Thamizh Thai Vazthu.. Guest of honour of the programme YOGACHARYA .B DHINAGARAN, M.A., A.D.Y., PGDY., M. PHIL. from pondy yoga centre. Vasanthra PG Neuro Physiotherapy final year student and student Janani from yoga center were the demonstrators for the Programme.
Principal Dr. SENTHIL NATHAN, MDS ,felicitated the guest speaker . The programme was graced by Dr. SUDHAKAR, MDS vice principal ( Academics) . Thooriga intern welcomed the gathering. Introduction of the speaker was done by Dr.Ahila Reader dept of Periodontics. The programme started with lecture by Yogachariya Dhinagaran followed by demonstration by his students. The programme highlighted the importance of Suryanamaskar and the demonstrators performed the various postures of surya namaskar. Following this a practical session for the students was organized. The students actively participated by doing different yoga postures .The Programme ended with Vote of Thanks by Vaishnavi Intern .
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