STUDENT ACTIVITY CONCLAVE - Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Physiotherapy, Ariyur, Puducherry 605 102.
As a part of an intra-collegiate venture (Tuesday Event), every Third Tuesday STUDENT ACTIVITY CONCLAVE (SAC) is conducted. For this academic year 2021- 2022, Ms. B. SIMULIA DHINJU MPT (NEURO), Associate Professor is designated as the Co-ordinator of SAC along with the elected student board members from each year starting from second to final yr BPT students.
As a part of an intra-collegiate venture (Tuesday Event), every Third Tuesday STUDENT ACTIVITY
CONCLAVE (SAC) is conducted. For this academic year 2021- 2022, Ms. B. SIMULIA DHINJU MPT
(NEURO), Associate Professor is designated as the Co-ordinator of SAC along with the elected student
board members from each year starting from second to final yr BPT students. The purpose of this conclave
is to motivate and exhibit the hidden talents/skills of the students in the co curricular/extra curricular
activities. It also focuses on the significance of keeping oneself fit at physical, mental and social well being
Owing to the agendas Student activity conclave for this academic was resumed on 21st December 2021
around 3:30 to 4:30 pm at our Multipurpose hall, 6th floor, SVCOPT. To challenge the student’s
Coordination and Agility which are an essential components for healthy day today living Juggling test
(Coordination) & Hexagon test (Agility) were used to asses them. Many students were actively participated
and the winners were selected based upon the scoring criteria with of 150 Students, Faculties of
Physiotherapy. To encourage the students, faculties namely Prof. T. Bharaneedharan & Associate professors
- Mr. Anand Babu and Mr. Karunakaran (winner) and few volunteers from the audience side were also
performed these Tests, enthusiastically. As it the first SAC event of this academic, it was done as a mega
event by the support of our beloved Principal Sir, faculties and student Co-ordinators. Sum of 9 Winners
from students, faculty & volunteer category are planned to be honoured on our fore coming STIZ event
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