The International Cancer Day was planned and organized by the group of M.Sc Nursing students from the constant support from the respected Principal Mam Dr. Prof. Malliga Kannan and guidance of Mrs. Sunitha Theresa, HOD of Department of Medical Surgical Nursing on 04.02.2021 at Primary Health Centre, Ariyur, Puducherry on the theme of World Cancer Day “I am and I will”
The International Cancer Day was planned and organized by the group of M.Sc Nursing students from the constant support from the respected Principal Mam Dr. Prof. Malliga Kannan and guidance of Mrs. Sunitha Theresa, HOD of Department of Medical Surgical Nursing on 04.02.2021 at Primary Health Centre, Ariyur, Puducherry on the theme of World Cancer Day “I am and I will”
The objectives of the programme were to create awareness among the people at Ariyur regarding prevention of cancer. The programme was started auspiciously with the prayer by 10.30 am. Student representative Ms. Gnana Sowndariya, M.Sc Nursing I Year welcomed the gathering. Dr. Prof. Malliga Kannan , Principal delivered the presidential address and wished for the success of the programme. The students performed a skit regarding the common risk factors and warning signs of cancer. Ms. Keerthana, M.Sc Nursing I Year delivered a speech on common cancers in community and myths and taboos related to cancer. Dr. Prema, Medical Officer, Ariyur, Primary Health Centre highlighted on the supportive schemes and services available for cancer patients and also emphasized about COVID 19 and behavioral change among the rural people.
The various cultural programmes were presented to the public people through various modes such as villupattu, and demonstration of yoga which spread the messages on the prevention of cancer. The Special speech was given by Dr. Jeevanandham, Ayurveda Medical Officer Primary Health Centre, Ariyur on the lifestyle and life. The vote of thanks was entailed by Mrs.Esaiyarasi Msc Nursing students 1st year. Thus the programme created the awareness among the people on prevention of cancer and believed to bring change in the future.
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