Clinical society meeting was held on 28.06.2023, conducted by Scientific and Academic forum. There were four under-graduate student presentations from the Department of Oral Surgery, Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics and Prosthodontics Crown and Bridge. Following, undergraduate student presentation, a sensitization lecture from Department of Orthodontics by Dr.Hari, Senior Lecturer on “How to present a Seminar and Journal club” and by Dr. Hidhaya, Senior Lecturer on “How to do thesis and Library dissertation”.
Clinical society meeting was held on 28.06.2023, conducted by Scientific and Academic forum. There were four under-graduate student presentations from the Department of Oral Surgery, Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics and Prosthodontics Crown and Bridge. Following, undergraduate student presentation, a sensitization lecture from Department of Orthodontics by Dr.Hari, Senior Lecturer on “How to present a Seminar and Journal club” and by Dr. Hidhaya, Senior Lecturer on “How to do thesis and Library dissertation”.
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