Guest Lecture on World Arthritis Day 2022 - Indirani College of Nursing
In Commemoration of World Arthritis Day 2022, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing organized
In Commemoration of World Arthritis Day 2022, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing organized Guest lecture on the Theme” It’s in your Hand: Take Action” on 12th October 2022. The Eminent speaker Dr.M.Gulam Mohideen, Professor of Orthopedics from Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre has deliberated about the arthritis and its management with special note on nurse’s role in diagnosis, management and care of patients with arthritis. This session refreshed the faculties and students of B.Sc Nursing II year students and M.Sc.Nursing II year about the recent updates of Arthritis. The Programme was organized by Mrs.Nandhini.S, Lecturer, Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing under the guidance of Principal Prof.Dr.Malliga M and Prof.Dr.Rajeswari.R, Viceprincipal cum IQAC coordinator.
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