The SNA unit of the institution celebrated the ONAM festival on August 29, 2023. The event got up at 8:30 a.m.
The SNA unit of the institution celebrated the ONAM festival on August 29, 2023. The event got up at 8:30 a.m. with a cordial welcome from lecturer Mrs. Winny Anna Ninan and a message from the principal, Dr. Prof. Malliga M, about the Onam festival, which included a little history. From all of the batches, about 120 students actively participated. Numerous programs, such as "ATHAPOOKALAM, cultural programs, and various competitions, were held. This program assists the children in both understanding the diverse cultures that we practice in our nation and inspiring their abilities. The programme ended with a price distribution session. Prices were distributed by Dr.B.Vidhya, Chief Operating Officer, SVGI and Dr. Prof. Malliga.M, Principal. Dr.B. Vidhya, Chief Operating Officer, SVGI delivered her wishes to the students .The programme was conducted successfully under the Guidance of the Dr. Prof. Malliga M , Principal and Dr. Prof. Rajeswari. R, Vice principal. The participant’s feedback was obtained at the end of the program, which stated that the program was very interesting.
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