NATIONAL WOMEN AND GIRLS HIV/AIDS AWARENESS DAY - Indirani College of Nursing, Ariyur, Puducherry
Every year on March 10 National women and girls HIV/AIDS awareness day is celebrated under the theme of prevention and testing at every age, Care and treatment at every stage. This year’s theme focuses on prevention of new HIV infections, increased testing, and better care for individuals living with HIV

Every year on March 10 National women and girls HIV/AIDS awareness day is celebrated under the theme of prevention and testing at every age, Care and treatment at every stage. This year’s theme focuses on prevention of new HIV infections, increased testing, and better care for individuals living with HIV. By working together, we can help eliminate HIV and improve the quality of treatment and care for people currently living with HIV.
In commemoration of the National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, Indirani College of nursing has organized under the theme of prevention and testing at every age, care and treatment at every stage on March 10, 2022. The program was planned and organized under the guidance of Principal Prof. Dr. Malliga Kannan, and it was greatly supported by Dr.R. Rajeswari IQAC coordinator cum vice principal of the Institution. Nursing I Year students actively participated in the E-Poster presentation and gained knowledge regarding awareness of women and girls on HIV/AIDS. This program was organized by Mr.Thamizhazhagan.K Lecturer in Medical Surgical Nursing with cheerful spirits. The participants gave good feedback about this session
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