World Wetland Day was celebrated on 2nd February 2023. It was organized by NSS Club of SriVenkateshwaraa Dental College along with Department of Forests and Wildlife Government of Puducherryat Oosutteri Lake..

World Wetland Day was celebrated on 2nd February 2023. It was organized by NSS Club of SriVenkateshwaraa Dental College along with Department of Forests and Wildlife Government of Puducherryat Oosutteri Lake.. Teachers and students of SriVenkateshwaraa Dental College participatedin the program. The event was graced by Mrs. Vanjulavalli, IFS, Forest Officer whodeliveredthe keynote speech and oath taking on this occasion. Dr. Bhubesh Gupta, M.Sc, Ph.D, Senior Wildlife Biologist addressed the crowd about World Wetland Day and various bird santuaries in India. A special panel discussion was held among the students on the topic "Whether to protect or develop water bodies". The Department of Forests and Wildlife Government of Puducherryand Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental Collegejointlyreleased a special Souvenir. Certificate of participation was distributed to all the students who participated in the event.
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