Employability Skill Training programme - Indirani College of Nursing, Ariyur, Puducherry
The Placement cell of Indirani College of Nursing has organized 6 days “Employability Skill Training Programme” for B.Sc Nursing final year students from 15.03.2021 to 20.03.2021 to develop the skills mandated for recruitment. The main objectives of the programme are;
The Placement cell of Indirani College of Nursing has organized 6 days “Employability Skill Training Programme” for B.Sc Nursing final year students from 15.03.2021 to 20.03.2021 to develop the skills mandated for recruitment.
The main objectives of the programme are;
- To enrich the student’s soft skills and life skills required for employment opportunities through individual and group skill training events.
- To promote communication and presentation skills with role play.
- To develop interview skills by simulated mock interviews.
The formal inauguration was commenced on 15.03.2021 at 10.30 am, Multipurpose hall, ICON with the traditional lamp lighting. Prof. Jamunarani.G, Coordinator, Placement cell welcomed the dignitaries with warm words of welcome. Prof. Dr. Malliga M, Principal, ICON opened the theme of the training session and delivered felicitation address with the special emphasis on the efforts of management and college administration for providing placement training facilities to the students. Adding to that, Principal madam stressed the importance of the training programs in preparation of students towards campus interviews. Mr.Ranjith Kumar, State Head, Mahindra Pride class Room (Naandi Foundation) delivered inspirational note about the importance of this training initiative in the colleges at the present scenario. The Chief Operating Officer, SVGI Dr.Vidhya.B presided over the function and deliberated presidential address, with strong motivation and entailed the students to utilize this opportunity for achievement of best placement. The inaugural programme ended with vote of thanks, which was bestowed by Prof.Dr.Rajeswari, Vice Principal, ICON. After the inaugural program skill training session was started by the trainers Mrs. Alphia Anita and Mrs.R.Elakkiya, Mahindra Pride class Room.
On the day first, the students were divided in to two batches, in which each batch consists of 49 students. The training session was started with the introduction about the college and collaborative organizations Mahindra Pride Classroom (MPC) and Naandi Foundation. The session focused on the concept of “This is me and I am unique, India - My country, and First impression”. The entire programme was conducted by various individual and group activities which involved the students with the fullest participation.
On the second day, the session consists of the themes of Greetings and small talks, Team work, and Looking beyond. In this , the students were taught about the communication skills and life skills through small presentation, guided nursing conversation, and activity-based approaches like skit and Role play. This was mainly done to improve the confidence among the students.
On day three, the training embarked with the identification of the differences between CV, resume and bio data. The trainer gave tips to write attractive CV and also advised on the notions to be included in CV. During the training program, the students were taught about some good etiquette to be followed while attending interviews. Tips and guidelines for attending HR interview were also dealt in detail. Few frequently asked questions and the effective answers for those questions were discussed. By this session the students learned about interview skills through video clippings.
On the Day four, the trainers kicked off on the focused group discussion, and the way to take part in group discussion, Do’s and Don’ts in group discussion. Under the guidance of the trainers, the students were made to take part in group discussion, group coordination and team work. After that, the students were divided in to multiple teams for stage show and showcased their talents.
On the day five, financial management and interview skills were communicated. The trainer mainly concentrated the finance saving methods and motivated the students to save money through play method. And also, the trainers conducted the mock interview for each and every student individually, and had given tips to improve attitude towards the interview.
On the Day Six the trainers had explained about professional ethics by activity methods like six pillars method, bricks method and alphabetical method. By these methods the students learnt about professionalism and attitude towards patient care.
End of the final day valedictory session was planned and organized on behalf of placement cell of Indirani College of Nursing at 12.00 noon on 20.03.2021. During the programme the students from each batch has given feedback about employability skill training programme. The students has remarked that the training progamme was effective in perception of themselves, positive approach towards the problems, team work , group coordination, communication, attitudes towards the interview and methods of financial management. After that Mrs.Alphiya Anita and Mrs.Elakkiya, Trainer, Mahindra Pride Class Room has felicitated the students, and they has announced 4 best transformation awards to highly performed students. Finally Prof.Dr.Malliga M, Principal, ICON, has also postulated the spirit of confidence among the students. Thus this programme inculcated enormous confidence among the students. Finally the session was ended with national anthem.
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